Driving Licence In Tamil Nadu
Driving Licence in Tamil Nadu
Learner’s Licence
1. Who can apply for Learner’s Licence? Any person who has completed 16 years of age may get a license for driving a Motor Cycle without Gear - Not exceeding 50 cc. Any person who has completed 18 years of age may get a license for driving a Motor Cycle with Gear and Light Motor Vehicle. Any person who has completed 20 years of age may get a license for driving a Transport Vehicle, if he/she has One year’s experience in driving a Light Motor vehicle and has obtained a badge. A written test will be conducted through computers for the persons who are appearing for Learner’s License. Applicants who have passed the preliminary test can collect their learner’s license on the same day. 2. What are the documents to be submitted? (i) Application - Form-2 (ii) Medical Certificate - Form-1A (iii) Application cum Declaration as to the Physical Fitness - Form-1 (iv) Proof of Address (any one of the following to be produced) a) Ration Card b) Electoral Roll c) LIC Policy d) Passport e) Affidavit Sworn by the applicant before an Executive (or) a First Class Judicial Magistrate (or) Notary Public. (v) Proof of Age (any one of the following to be produced) a) Birth Certificate b) School Certificate c) Passport d) LIC Policy e) Affidavit given by the Magistrate (or) Notary Public f) Certificate given by Civil Surgeon (vi) Passport Size Photos-3 (vii) Medical Certificate in the case of Transport Vehicle 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Rs.30/- for each class + Rs.30/- Service charges 4. To whom should one apply? Regional Transport Officer or Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade-I/II 5. Time limit for issue of Learner’s License? Same dayDriving Licence
1. Who can apply for a Driving Licence? A person who has obtained Learner’s Licence may apply for Driving Licence after 30 days and before six months from the date of issue of Learner’s Licence. 2. What are the documents to be submitted? 1) Application in Form 4 2) Form 5 (only for those who have undergone training in a Driving School) 3) Form 15 (those who have undergone training in a Driving School) 4) Documents of vehicle in which applicant proposes to appear for test of competence to drive (such as Registration Certificate, Insurance Certificate, Tax Card, Pollution under Control Certificate, Fitness Certificate in case of Transport Vehicle). 5) Consent letter from vehicle owner to conduct driving test in his vehicle, if the vehicle is not owned by the applicant. 6) Passport size photographs-3 copies. 3. What is the amount of fees payable? 1) Rs.250/- for one class only + Service charges. 2) Service charges Rs.100/- for Non Transport Vehicle. 3) Service charges Rs.50/- for Transport Vehicle. 4. To whom should one apply? 1) Regional Transport Officer. 2) Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-I / II. Applicant should appear in person for a driving test. 5) Time limit for getting a Driving Licence? Same DayAddition of a New Class of Vehicle to a Driving License
1. Who can apply for endorsement in the Driving License? (i) The person should have a valid driving license. (ii) Should have completed 20 years of age for Transport Vehicles with 1 year experience in LMV & Badge. 2. What are the documents to be submitted? i. Application in Form 8 ii. Form 5 (only for those who trained through Driving School). iii. Form 15 (Those who trained through Driving School .) iv. Driving License v. Valid Learner’s License for which additional class of vehicle is required. vi. Documents of vehicle in which applicant proposes to appear for test of competence to drive (such as Registration Certificate, Insurance Certificate, Tax Card, Pollution under Control Certificate, Fitness Certificate in case of Transport Vehicle). vii. Consent letter from vehicle owner, to conduct driving test in his vehicle if the vehicle is not owned by the applicant. viii. Passport size photographs-3 copies 3. What is the amount of fees payable? (i) Rs.250/- for one class only (ii) Rs.50/- for Service charges 4. To whom should one apply? (Regional Transport Officer (or) Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-I / II 5. Applicant should appear in person 6. Time limit for issue of Driving License? Same DayBadge For Driving Public Service Vehicle
Anyone who drives a Public Service Vehicle such as a bus, auto - rickshaw, Taxi etc., should obtain a badge from the Transport Department. Persons with 6 months driving experience in Light Motor Vehicles and 2 years experience in Heavy Motor Vehicles may apply for the badge. The antecedents of applicants are verified from the Police Department before grant of Public Service Vehicle Badge. 1. Who can apply for Public Service Vehicle Badge? i) The applicant should hold a valid driving license. ii) Applicant should appear in person to undergo driving test. iii) Applicant should have passed 8th Standard 2. What are the documents to be given? i) Application - Form LTVA ii) Declaration as to fitness in Form 1 iii) Medical certificate as in Form 1a iv) Form-5 (For persons applying through driving school) v) Driving License 3. What is the amount of fees payable? (i) Rs.215/- for License (ii) Rs.50/- for Service charges 4. To whom should one apply? (i) Regional Transport Officer (ii) Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-I / II 5. Time limit for obtaining a badge? 30 Days from the date of application (since police report is needed)Endorsement to Drive Vehicle Carrying Hazardous Goods
1. Who can apply for License to drive vehicles carrying Hazardous goods? i) The applicant should have a valid Driving License to drive a Transport Vehicle ii) The applicant should have a valid Training Certificate from Institute of Road iii) Transport or other recognized Institutions. iv) Should read and write English apart from any one of the Indian Languages 2. What are the documents to be submitted? (i) Requisition letter (ii) Driving License (iii) Effective I.R.T. Certificate or Recognized Institution Certificate 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Rs.200/- + Rs.50/- Service charges 4. To whom should one apply? (i) Licensing Authority (RTO) (ii) Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-I / II 5. Applicant should appear in person for driving test 6. Time limit for getting endorsement in the Driving License? Same dayInternational Driving Permit
1. Who can apply for International Driving Permit? Applicant should have a Driving License 2. What are the documents to be given? 1) Valid Driving License 2) Valid Passport 3) Valid Visa 4) Passport size photos 3 copies 5) Medical Certificate in Form 1-A 6) Valid proof of Nationality 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Rs.500/- + Rs.500/- Service charges 4. To whom should one apply? Regional Transport Officer 5. Applicant should appear in person for verifying the original documents. 6. Time limit for getting International Driving Permit? Same dayRenewal of Driving
1. Who can apply? Holder of Driving Licence which is expired. The applicant should not be disqualified. 2. What are the documents to be submitted? i) Application in Form-9 ii) Application in Form-1a (1a – if the applicant is above 50 years) iii) Medical Certificate in Form-MCC iv) Driving Licence v) Proof of Age vi) Passport size photos-2 copies 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Book Form Rs.25/- Laminated Card Rs.100/- + Service Charges Rs.50/- Additional Fee for belated renewal of Rs.50/- per year or part thereof 4. To whom should one apply? Regional Transport Officer/ Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade I The applicant should appear in person at the Regional Transport Office. In case the driving Licence expired more than 5 years ago, a fresh driving test will be conducted for renewal of the Licence. 6. Time limit for getting a Driving Licence renewed. Same dayDuplicate Driving Licence
1. Who can apply? Holder of Driving License License should not be disqualified. 2. What are the documents to be submitted? i. Application and Intimation of loss or destruction of driving licence in Form LLD ii. Details of Driving Licence iii. Police Certificate (in case of theft) iv. Passport size photos-2 copies 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Rs.15/- + Service charges Rs.50/- 4. To whom should one apply? Regional Transport Officer/ Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade I 5. Applicant should appear in person at the Regional Transport Office / Unit Office. 6. Time limit for getting Duplicate Driving License? 15 DaysChange of Address in Driving Licence.
1. Who can apply? Holder of Driving Licence. D.L. should not be suspended. Licence should not be disqualified. 2. What are the documents to be given? i) Requisition letter. ii) Driving Licence. iii) Proof of Address ( any one of the following). iv) Ration Card. v) Electoral Roll. vi) LIC Policy. vii) Passport. viii) Pay slip issued by Govt. Officer or a Local Body. ix) School Certificate. x) Birth Certificate. xi) Affidavit sworn by the applicant before an Executive or First Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary Public. 3. What is the amount of Fees payable? Rs.215. Service charges Rs.100/- for Non Transport Vehicle, Rs.50/- for Transport Vehicle. 4. To whom should one apply? Regional Transport Officer/ Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade I. Applicant should appear in person at the Regional Transport Office / Unit Office. 6. Time limit: (i) 3 days. (ii) If the Licence has to be issued in an office other than the original office of issue it will take fifteen days for effecting change of address in the driving licence.Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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