Driving Licence In Sikkim
Driving Licence in Sikkim
Learner's Licence
Any person who wishes to drive a motor vehicle has to first obtain a leaner’s license for the purpose of learning and then has to be tested before a permanent license is granted; a person should not be less than 20 years of age if he wants to learn to drive a transport vehicle.Requirements:
1. Proof of age: Documents accepted for proof of age are Birth/school leaving certificate, passport, etc. 2. Proof of residence: This can be supported by documents like the passport, domicile, ration card, electoral roll, electricity or telephone bill, etc 3. Medical certificate: It is required only in case of transport vehicle and can be obtained from any registered medical practitioner in the prescribed form. 4. Photograph: 3 copies of passport size. 5. Fee The application must be made to the RTO in whose jurisdiction the applicant normally resides or carries on business. A learner’s license is valid only for a period of six months. If the driving test for permanent license is not passed during this period, of fresh learners license needs to be obtained.No Learner's Licence Shall Be Granted
In order to drive a transport vehicle unless the applicant has held a driving license of LMV for at least 1 year.Permanent Licence
A permanent license of the appropriate class will be granted after the successful completion of a driving test conducted by the RTO.Requirements
1. Photograph: 3 copies of photo passport size. 2. Fee 3.Valid learners license The test for the issue of the permanent license is conducted after a minimum of 30 days from the date of issue the learner’s license in case of failure, a retest can be requested but not before a period of 7 days. After the age of 50, the license will be renewed for a period of 5 years at the time. It is necessary for a driver of a passenger vehicle (bus, taxi) to obtain PSV endorsement on his driving license before driving such a vehicle.Renewal
The application for renewal must be accompanied by: 1. The driving license 2. Medical certificate in case of transport vehicle 3. 3 copies of photograph 4. Renewal fees A.An expired license is valid for 30 days and can be renewed during this period of grace without a penalty. B.A license expired for more than 30 days can be renewed on payment of penalty, provided the application is made within a period of 5 years from the date of expiry. The penalty is charged at Rs.10/per year or a part thereof. C.The license can be renewed through any RTO in the country irrespective of the place of its issue. If a driver changes his place of residence, a new address must be incorporated in his license.Duplicate
If a license is defaced or lost, a duplicate license can be issued on the production of: 1. The license number 2. 3 copies of photograph 3. Fee 4. Traffic NOC 5. Affidavit of D/L A. The application for duplicate license must be made to the same RTO which has issued the original license. B. In case of the license number is not available, or the application is to be made to any other RTO, the procedure as applicable for a fresh license (learner license, driving test, etc) will have to be followed.Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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