Driving Licence In Orissa
Driving Licence in Orissa
The citizen of Orissa state don’t need to go to the RTO office and stand in stretched queue in order to apply for a License, pay their motor vehicle tax, and to apply for the permit of commercial vehicle. They can get all these facilities through online as these services are provided by Orissa State. e-Disha, an Online Transport System is a online service which gives the permission to the user to pay the fees and motor vehicle tax by sitting at their home and having internet connection. Its also gives the facility to verify earlier period payment of vehicle. There are 31 RTO’s & 3 ARTO’s distributed in the state of Odisha. There are also three Range offices viz. Central Range, Southern Range and Northern Range located at Cuttack, Berhampur and Sambalpur respectively headed by Deputy Commissioner, Transport. To give the facility of online services, the Commerce and Transport Department has assigned Delhi based Smart Chip Ltd. to maintain the internet based portal. Entire payment has been included with State Bank of India for collection of fees and motor vehicle taxes. The applicant must have an account with State Bank of India with net banking facility to avail the online service of the Transport Department Orissa.
The citizen of Orissa state don’t need to go to the RTO office and stand in stretched queue in order to apply for a License, pay their motor vehicle tax, and to apply for the permit of commercial vehicle. They can get all these facilities through online as these services are provided by Orissa State. e-Disha, an Online Transport System is a online service which gives the permission to the user to pay the fees and motor vehicle tax by sitting at their home and having internet connection. Its also gives the facility to verify earlier period payment of vehicle. There are 31 RTO’s & 3 ARTO’s distributed in the state of Odisha. There are also three Range offices viz. Central Range, Southern Range and Northern Range located at Cuttack, Berhampur and Sambalpur respectively headed by Deputy Commissioner, Transport. To give the facility of online services, the Commerce and Transport Department has assigned Delhi based Smart Chip Ltd. to maintain the internet based portal. Entire payment has been included with State Bank of India for collection of fees and motor vehicle taxes. The applicant must have an account with State Bank of India with net banking facility to avail the online service of the Transport Department Orissa.
How to apply Online Learner License Application:
1. Go to the official website of Orissa Motor Vehicle Department http://orissatransport.org/ 2. To apply for Learners License, click on ‘License Appointment System’. The new page will open up. 3. Click on ‘Get New Learner License Appointment’. The application form for learner license will appear in the screen. 4. The applicant can also download the form in oriya font and install the same in your PC. 5. Then you have to select the RTO name to which jurisdiction you belongs. Now the application form with your personal details, educational details, Selection of class of vehicle etc. Fill all the column marked with red sign as these columns are compulsory to fill. 6. In the last part of the application form, you need to select the date and time from the available slots as per your convenient. And click on the save box of the application form. 7. The applicant must check the details of learners license entered in the application form and the details of learners license fees and click on ‘Make Payment’. 8. You will see the SBI – payment gateway and then you need to click on Proceed to Payment. 9. You may be redirected to the www.onlinesbi.com 10. Now, here you have to enter the SBI Net Banking Customer ID in User name and SBI net banking password and enter to submit button. 11. The screen will display the details of Transaction. Check the payment details and click on ‘Confirm’ box. 12. The confirmation page of State Bank of India of successful payment will be received. Print the receipt of payment. 13. You can also click on ‘Please click here to print form no. 2’ to print Learner License Application form and appointment receipt. Visit to your nearest RTO office with all the required documents and appointment receipt with Application Form No. 2 on the given date and time. The applicant are advised to take all documents in original alongwith photocopies. The RTO authorities will verify all the documents and return you all the original documents. Then online computer test will be held. After passing the computer test, the learners license will be issued to the applicant.List of Required Documents to be submitted for Learners License:
i. Application Form No. 2 ii. Physical Fitness Declaration in Form –II iii. Medical Certificate Form 1A ( for transport vehicle Only) iv. 3 passport size photograph of the applicant v. Pay fee for getting learners license vi. Age Proof – submit school certificate, birth certificate vii. Address proof – submit Life Insurance Policy/ Telephone bill, Voter ID card, PassportHow to apply for Driving License in Orissa:
Learners license is valid for a period of six months. In this period, the holder of learners license must learn the driving. The applicant can apply for driving license after 30 days and within 180 days of issue of learners license. The applicant may have to qualify the driving test for getting permanent driving license.List of Required Documents to be submitted for Permanent Driving License:
a. Application Form no. 4 b. Learners license c. Driving certificate in form 5 ( for transport vehicle) d. Three passport size photograph of the applicant e. Pay fee for issuing of driving license.Validity of Driving License In Odisha:
1) For Non Transport vehicle – Upto 50 years of age or 20 years from the date of issue or renewal, whichever is earlier. 2) For Transport vehicle – 3 years from the date of issue or renewal 3) For Transport vehicle carrying goods of dangerous – 1 year from the date of issue or renewalFees to be paid:
1) Issue/Renewal of Learners License – For Issue and Renewal – Rs. 30/- 2) Issue of Driving License in Form 6 – for Issue and Renewal – Rs. 40/- 3) Issue of Driving License in Form 7 – for Issue and Renewal – Rs. 150/- 4) Driving Test – Rs. 50/-Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of the driving licence using the given url
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