Driving Licence In Meghalaya
Driving Licence in Meghalaya
Learner's Licence:
A Learner's Licence (LL) is valid for a period of 6 months. Driving Licence (DL) should be applied 30 days after after issue of LL and before the end of validity.How to apply:
1) Submit forms
Application for Learner’s Licence should be filled up in form 2 accomapnied by: a) Evidence of correctness of address and age is required during application. For eg. : 1) Electoral Roll 2) Life Insurance Policy 3) Passport 4) Pay slip issued by any office of Central/State government or local body 5) School certificate 6) Birth Certificate 7) Certificate granted by a registered medical practitioner not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon, as to age of person. b) Medical Certificate(Self Declaration of physical fitness should be filled in Form 1 and a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner in form 1A.) c) Driving Licence if case of learner’s licence for add of COV (class of Vehicle) d) Appropriate fees e) Blood Group Proof2) Capture biometrics
Photograph, Signature, Finger Prints are captured.Requirements And Rules:
Age Limit:
No person under the age of eighteen years shall drive a motor vehicle in any public place. Provided that a motor cycle with engine capacity not exceeding 50cc may be driven in a public place by a person attaining the age of sixteen years. No person under the age of twenty years shall drive a transport (commercial) vehicle in any public place.Restriction on granting Learner's licecnce to certain vehicles:
No person shall be granted a learner’s licence to drive a transport (commercial) vehicle unless he has held a driving licence to drive a motor vehicle for at least one year No Person under the age of eighteen years shall be granted a learner’s licence to drive a motor cycle without gear except with the consent in writing of the person having the care of the person desiring the learner’s licence.Learner's Licence Holder Rules:
A learner licence holder should be accompanied by an instructor holding an effective driving licence and in such a position to take control or stop the vehicle. ‘L’ should be painted on the car/plate/ card on both the front and the rear of the vehicle, in red and a white background. The painting should be should not be less than 18 centimetres square and the “L” shall not be less than 10 cm high, 2 cm thick and 9 cm wide at the bottom.Duplicate Learner's Licence:
On loss of original Leaner’s Licence, application for a duplicate LL can be made by submitting: 1) Learner’s Licence number 2) Appropriate feesDriving Licence
Driving Licence can be applied 30 days after the issue of Learner's Licence. Driving Licene is made only for the class of vehicles where LL has been applied for.Validity:
The Validity for a non-transport vehicle is 20 years or until the date on which a person attains the age of fifty, whichever is earlier. A person who has attained 50 years of age on the date of issue or renewal of licence ; on renewal will attain a DL effective for 5 years.Transport:
The validity for transport vehicle is for 3 years Licence to drive a transport vehicle carrying goods of dangerous and hazardous nature is effective for a period of one year.International Driving Permit:
International Driving permit will be valid for a period of not more than one year from the day of issue or till the validity of the driving licence, whichever is earlier.How to Apply:(New DL)
1. Application for driving licence should be made in Form 4 accompanied by i) An effective learner’s licence to drive the vehicle of the type to which the application relates. ii) Appropriate fees iii) Medical Certificate. These forms should be submitted at the Fee counter. Keep the receipt safely for further reference.2. Test:
The applicant should then appear for a driving Test with the Motor Vehicle Inspector(MVI). No person shall appear for the test of competence to drive unless he has held a learner’s licence for a period of 30 days. Where the application does not pass the Driving Licence test he may be permitted to re-appear for the test after a period of seven days. Provided where the applicant does not pass the test even after three appearances, he shall not be qualified to re-appear for such test before the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date of last such test.3. Interview:
An interview of road singns and a few general questions regarding road safety are questioned from the applicant. The application can be rejected if the test is failed.4. Delivery of the Driving Licence:
The Driving Licence will be delivered to the applicant by the India Postal Service.DL Renewal:
Renewal of Driving Licence should be done 30 days before or after the end of validity of licence. Renewal after 30 days however would attract a fine of Rs.50 per year and the licence will be renewed with effect from the date of renewal. Application for renewal of licence should be submitted in form 9 accompanied by: 1) Original Driving Licence 2) Medical certificate in form 1A 3) Appropriate Fees 4) Renewal made more than five years after the driving licence has expired, should also appear for a driving test. 5) Where the licencing authority rejects an application for renewal of driving licence, it shall refund half of the fee paid for such renewal to the applicant, on an application made by him in that behalf not later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the order rejecting the application.Addition Of Class Of Vehicle to DL
Application for addition of new class of vehicle to a driving licence should be submitted in Form 8accompanied by: 1) An effective learner’s licence for the particular class of vehicle. 2) Driving Licence 3) Appropriate Fee. 4) Qualification Certificate. 5) ** A candidate applying for Transport Licence should have a mimimum qualification of Standard 8th.Issue of Duplicate DL
If at any time a licence is lost or destroyed the holder of the licence shall forthwith intimate the loss to the licensing authority which granted the licence and shall apply in writing to the said authority. . The application for Duplicate DL should be submitted in FORM 9A accompanied by: 1) Written application 2) Police Report 3) Appropriate FeeReplace DL:
If the driving licence is in bad shape or spoilt, the applicant can apply in writing for a new DL. To replace DL the following are to be submitted: 1) Original DL 2) Written Application 3) Appropriate FeesChange In DL Details
The DL has been printed and details such as address or name or photo are to be changed the following are to be submitted: 1) Written Application 2) Proof of Address ( change of address) 3) Affidavit (change of name) 4) Original DL 5) Appropriate Fees.Surrendercov:
If a class of Vehicle needs to be removed from the DL, the following are to be submitted: 1) Written application for Degrading 2) Original DL 3) Form 4 ( in case of degrading from Professional to Private) 4) Appropriate FeesNOC For DL:
If a DL is carried to any other Licensing authority other than the original Licensing authority for transactions, a NOC should be issued from the original Licensing Authority. To obtain an NOC, the following are to be submitted: 1) Appllication for NOC 2) Copy of DL 3) Appropriate FeesApplication for International Driving Licence:
Application should be done in form 4A and shall be accompanied by 1) Valid driving licence 2) Appropriate fee 3) Medical certificate 4) Valid proof of indian nationals 5) Valid proof of passport 6) Valid proof of visa.Licence Fees
DL Fee (Fresh)
DL Fee - 200 DL Test (per class of Vehicle) - 50Duplicate DL
DL Fee - 200 Duplicate Fee - 40Renewal (Licence cannot be renewed before 30 days from the end of validity)
DL Fee - 200 Renewal - 50If renewed after 30 days of end of validity
Late Fine (first year) - 100 Late Fine (per Year) - 50Renewal if not renewed for more than 5 years
Renewal - 200 Late Fine(per year) - 50 Test(per class of Vehicle) - 50Change of Address
Dl Fee - 200DL Replace
DL Fee - 200Hazardous Endorsement
DL Fee - 200Add of COV
Dl Fee - 200 Test Fee(per class of Vehicle) - 50 IDP to DL Holder - 500Alter name in DL
DL Fee - 200Alter Photo
DL Fee - 200Surrender COV
DL Fee - 200Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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