Driving Licence In Maharashtra
Driving Licence in Maharashtra
Permanent Licence
How to apply?
A person after completion of thirty days of Learner’s licence may apply for the test of competence to drive to the licencing Authority in whose jurisdiction he resides.Documents Required
1) Form 4 2) Learner’s licence 3) Three copies of recent photographs 4) Proof of age and address as per Rule 4 of Central Motor Vehicle rules . 5) Driving school’s certificate in Form 5 for all transport vehiclesFee
All valid documents of the vehicle on which the test to be conductedTest Procedure / Points
1) Adjust rear view mirror. 2) Take suitable precautions like fastening of seat belts etc before starting engine. 3) Move away safely and smoothly straight ahead at an angle while at the same time use of all gears. 4) Change quickly to lower gear when the traffic conditions warrant such change. 5) Change quickly to lower gears while driving down hill. 6) Stop and restart on steep upward incline make proper use of hand brakes and of the foot brakes without rolling back, turn right and left corners correctly using rear view mirror before signaling 7) Over take and allow to be overtaken safely with proper caution giving appropriate signals. 8) Give appropriate signals by hand or by electrical indicators clearly without mistake. 9) Change the lanes using proper signals with care. 10) Stop the vehicle in an emergency safely. 11) Use of the reverse gear while driving the vehicle backwards with reasonable accuracy. 12) Use the forward and reverse gears to change the face of vehicle in opposite direction. 13) Take correct and prompt action at signals given by traffic signs ,signals, policemen and other road users. 14) Drive cautiously at pedestrians crossings giving preference to persons crossing the road. 15) Keep well to the left in normal driving. 16) Regulate the speed to suit varying road and traffic conditions. 17) Demonstrate control of the vehicle by confident steering and smooth gear changing 18) and braking as and when required. 19) Make proper use of rear view mirror before signaling, maneuvering, overtaking, turning to right or stopping. 20) Use proper side when driving straight, turning and at road junctions. 21) Make proper use of accelerator, clutch, gears, brakes, steering and horn. 22) Anticipate the actions of other road users. 23) Take precautions at intersections & road junctions to adjust the speed , proper positioning of the vehicle , use rear view mirror & avoidance of cutting right hand corner. 24) Concentrate on driving with attention & presence of mind. 25) Show courtesy & consideration for other road users keeping in mind the road safety. A person is granted the driving licence after successfully passed the test of competence to drive. If he does not pass the said test then he may appear for re test after a period of seven days.Renewal of Driving Licence
Documents Required
1) Form 9 2) Driving licence 3) Application –cum-declaration as to physical fitness in Form 1 4) Medical Certificate in Form 1-A 5) Three copies of applicants recent photographs 6) The driving licence is renewed with effect from the date of its expiry when the application is made before its expiry or within thirty days grace period. The driving licence is renewed with effect from the date of renewal when the application is made after the grace period. The driving licence cannot be renewed after the period of five years when it has ceased to be effective. If the licence is from other state it is desirable that the applicant should bring No Objection Certificate (N.O.C.) / confirmation of driving licence from Original Licensing Authority.Validity of Motor Driving Licence
1) Learner's Licence - 6 Months 2) Transport Licence - 3 Years 3) License to drive vehicle carrying hazardous chemicals - 1 Year 4) After the age of 50 yrs - 5 Years 5) All other class of licence (Till the age of 50 years) - 20 years or up to the age of 50 yrs whichever is earlierInternational Driving Permit
Congratulations for getting Visa to visit foreign country for study purpose, employment or even for tourist purpose. If you are interested to show your skills on foreign land you are required to obtain International driving permit. IDP is valid only in the country we have signed under UN conversion.Basic Requirement :
1. Valid driving License along with certified copies 2. Passport along with certified copies 3. Visa along with certified copies 4. Medical Certificate in Form IA 5. Payment of prescribed fees (at present Rs.500/- only) 6. Applicant should submit the application in whose jurisdiction he stays. It is advisable to applicant to get the necessary changes about the address on motor driving License before submitting the application for IDP. 7. The applicant is required to appear before licensing authority for grant of IDP. Form of IDP (to be collected from Head Clerk MDL)Departmental Action on Driving Licence
Suspension of driving License in certain cases
1. Where, in relation to a person who had been priveously convicted of an offence punishable under section 184, a case is registred by a police officer on the allegation that such person has, by such dangerous driving as is referred to in the said section 184, of any class or description of motor vehicle caused the death of, or grievous hurt to, one or more persons, the driving License held by such person shall in relation to such class or description of motor vehicle becomes suspended - A.For a period of six months from the date on which the case is registred, or B.If such person is discharged or acquitted before the expiry of the period a foresaid, until such discharge or acquitted, as the case may be. 2. Where, by virtue of the provisions of the sub-section (1), the driving License held by a person becomes suspended, the police officer, by whom the case referred to a sub-section (1) is registered, shall bring such suspension to the notice of the Court competent to take cognizance of such offence, and the notice of the Court shall take possession of the driving License , endorse the suspension thereon and intimate the fact of such endorsement to the licensing authority by which the License was granted or last renewed. 3. Where the person refered to in sub-section (1) is acquitted or discharged, the Court shall cancel the endorsement on such driving lincence with regard to the suspension thereof. 4. If a driving License in relation to a particular class or description of motor vehicles is suspended under sub-section (1), the person holding such License shall be debarred from holding or obtaining any License to drive such particular class or description of motor vehicles so long as the suspension of the driving License remains in force.Suspension or cancellation of driving License on conviction
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the sub-section (3) of section 20 where a person, refered to in sub-section (1) of section 21 is convicted of an offence of causing, by such dangerous driving as is referred to in section 184 of any class or description of motor vehicle the death of, or grievous hurt to, one or more persons, the Court by which such person is convicted may cancel, or suspended for such period as it may think fit, the driving License held by such person insofar as it relates to that class or description of motor vehicle. 2. Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 20, if a person, having been previously convicted of an offence punishable under section 185 is again convicted of an offence punishable under that section, the court, making such subsequent conviction, shall, by order, cancel the driving License held by such person. 3. If a driving License is cancelled or suspended under this section, the Court shall take the driving License in its custody, endorse the cancellation or, as the case may be, suspension, thereon and send the driving License so endorsed to the authority by which the License was issued or last renewed and such authority shall, on receipt of the License , keep the License in its safe custody, and in the case of suspended License , return the License to the holder thereof after the expiry of the period of suspension on an application made by him for such return: Provided that no such licence shall be returned unless the holder thereof has, after the expiry of the period of suspension, sundergone and passed, to the satisfaction of the licensing authority by which the License was issued or last renewed, a fresh test of competence to drive referred to in sub-section (3) of section 9 and produced a medical certificate in the same form and produced a medical certificate in the same form and in the same manner as is referred to in sub-section (3) of section 8. 4. If a licnece to drive a particular class or description of motor vehicle cancelled or suspended under this section, the person holding such a License shall be debarred from holding, or obtaining, any licnece to drive such particular class or description of motor vehicles so long as the cancellation or suspension of the driving License remains in force.Power of Court to disqualify
1. Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Act or of an offence in the commission of which a motor vehicle was used, the Court by which such person is convicted may, subject to the provisions of this Act, in addition to imposing any other punishment authorized by la, declare the persons so convicted to be disqualified, for such period as the court may specify, from holding any driving License to drive all classes or description of vehicles, or any particulars class or description of such vehicles, as are specified in such License. Provided that in respect of an offence punishable under section 183 no such order shall be made for the first or second offence. 2. Where a person is convicted of an offence under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 132, section 134 or section 185, the Court convicting any person of any such offence shall order the disqualification under the sub-section 132 or section 134, such disqualification shall be for a period of not less than one month, and if the offence is related to section 185, such disqualification shall be for a period of not less than six months. 3. A Court shall, unless for special reasons to be recorded in writing it thinks fot to order otherwise, order the disqualification of a person - A. Who having been convicted of an offence punishable under section 184 is again convicted of an offence punishable under that section, B. Who is convicted of an offence punishable under section 189, or C. Who is convicted of an offence punishable under section 192: Provided that the period of disqualification shall not exceed, in the case referred to in clause (a), five years, or, in the case referred to in clause (b), two years or, in the case referred to in clause (c), one year. 4. A court ordering the disqualification of a person convicted of an offence punishable under section 184 may direct that such person shall, whether he has previously passed the test of competence to drive as referred to in sub-section (3) of section 9 or not, remain disqualified until he has subsequent to the making of the order of disqualification passed that test to the satisfaction of the licensing authority. 5. The Court ordering to which an appeal would ordinarily le from any conviction of an offence of the nature specified in sub-section (1) may set aside or vary any order of disqualification made under that sub-section not withstanding that no appeal would lie against the conviction as a result of which such order of disqualification was made.Unfitness to drive a Vehicle
1) The motor driving licence can not be issued to a person/applicant who is suffering from - 2) Defects of vision which cannot be corrected by spectacles. 3) Colour or night blindness. 4) Hearing defects which cannot be corrected with the help of hearing aid. 5) Epilepsy. 6) Sudden attacks of loss of consciousness or giddiness. 7) Who has lost either hand or foot. 8) Suffer from any other disease or disability likely to cause danger to other road users. While driving is unfit to hold a driving licence.Miscellaneous
1) Change of address should be intimated within 30 days. 2) No person shall hold more than one smart card driving licence.Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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