Driving Licence In Karnataka
Driving Licence in Karnataka
How To Obtain A Learner’s Licence?
The following procedure has to be followed for obtaining learner’s licence 1. The applicant shall use the internet and access Transport Departments website http://www.kar.nic.in and do the browser settings for local settings if he/she is using other than Internet Explorer 8 and above as given in the above online services weblink. After carefully filling up the details and saving the information keyed in you would get Web Application number(SOW-id,Sarathi Over Web)and you have to print Application Form (CMV 2) and approach the relevant Licencing authority. 1.1 Three recent passport size photographs required. 1.2 Proof of address:(to produce any one of the following) i) Ration Card ii) Passport iii) LIC Policy iv) Electoral Roll v) Telephone Bill vi) Electricity Bill vii) Water Bill vii) Caste Certificate (SC/ST, Backward Class and Minorties, etc.) and Income Certificate issued by Tahasildar. viii) Pay slip issued by any office of the Central Government or a State Government or a Local body. ix) Ration Card Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address. x) Proof of legal presence in India in addition to proof of residence in case of foreigners. 1.3 Proof of Age: (to produce any one of the following) i) School Certificate. ii) Birth Certificate. iii) PAN card. iv) Certificate granted by the registered medical practitioner not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon. v) Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address. 2.Fees to be paid at the RTO/ARTO cash counter. 3.Minimum Age Requirements: 3.1 Age between 16 and 18 years: - The applicant shall have attained the age of 16 years in case of motor cycle with engine capacity not exceeding 50cc. - The consent/declaration of the parents/guardian is necessary and consent shall be given before the licencing authority. 3.2 Age 18 Years and above: - The applicant shall have attained the age of 18 years in case of motor cycle with gear or light motor vehicle. 3.3 For Transport Vehicle: - The applicant shall have attained the age of 20 years in case of Transport Vehicles (Autorickshaw cab, Taxi, Goods Vehicle, Bus etc.) - In case of transport vehicles one year driving experience of light motor vehicle is required. - Medical certificate in form no. CMV 1 and CMV 1A is necessary in case of transport vehicle. 4. Where the application has to be filed? Application along with above documents shall be presented by the applicant before the Asst. R.T.O. (Driving Licence Branch). 5. Preliminary Test: i) Written test/STALL(Screen Test Aid for Learners Licence) will be conducted for the applicants who have passed SSLC and above. This test will be of multiple choice objective type questions. ii) In case of others, oral test will be conducted. iii) These tests will be conducted by the Inspector of Motor Vehicles. iv) Applicants who are already having Driving Licence are exempted from preliminary test in case addition of new class of vehicle. 6. Subjects for Preliminary Test: i) Traffic signs & signals, rules of the road regulations made under section 118 of Motor Vehicles Act. ii) Duties of driver when his vehicle is involved in an accident resulting in death or bodily injury of a person or damage to property of a third party. iii) Precautions to be taken while passing un-manned railway crossing and iv) The Documents he should carry with him while driving a vehicle. Model Questions And Answers 7.Applicants who have passed can collect their learner’s licence between 4.30–5.30pm on the same day/appearing for STALL can get LL on spot after passing the test. 8. Re-appearance for test in case failed candidates: Application along with documents will be returned to the failed applicant and he can re-appear for test on the next day onwards.How To Obtain Duplicate Learner’s Licence?
1. Forms and Procedures:
1) Application form in KMV-1Aavailable at the R.T.Os Office . 2) Fee Rs.15/- to be paid at the RTO cash counter. 3) Proof for having lost learner’s licence (Acknowledgement for having lodged complaint with Police). 4) Two recent passport size photographs. 5) Duplicate Learner’s licence will be delivered on the same day between 4.30–5.30 pmProcedure For Obtaining Permanent Driving Licence
The following procedure has to be followed for obtaining permanent Driving licence Note: 1. The applicant can appear for test of competence to drive only after completion of 30 days from the date of issue of learner’s licence. 2. The Applicant who desires to obtain Driving Licence for Transport Vehicle shall have driving training from the licenced motor driving school.1. Application :
For new Driving license,application form in CMV 4 which has to be obtained after applying online through internet http://www.rto.kar.nic.in. 3 recent passport size photographs to be produced. Valid LL for the class of the vehicle applied.2. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter)
1) Rs.40/- for DL Book (CMV Form 6) (or) 2) Rs.200/- for Smart Card (CMV Form 7) 3) Rs.50/- for Driving Test (Test of Competence to drive).3. Documents required :
Valid learner’s licence. Documents of vehicle in which applicant proposes to appear for test of competence to drive(such as Registration Certificate, Insurance Certificate, Tax Card, Pollution under Control Certificate, Fitness Certificate in case of Transport Vehicle). In case of transport vehicle,certificate in form CMV 5 issued by Driving Training School. If applicant's age is 40 years and above, Medical certificate in form CMV 1 and CMV 1A have to be produced.4. Where to file an application?
The applicant shall present himself before the Asst. R.T.O. (Driving Licence Branch) along with application and documents.5. What is the test of competence to drive?
The Inspector of motor vehicles will conduct the test of competence to drive vehicle as per the procedures laid down under the rule 15 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 (Refer http://morth.nic.in for more details). After satisfaction about the driving skills, the testing authority will pass his remarks about the issue of driving licence. The Asst. R.T.O. will pass an order for issue of driving licence. Applicants who have passed and paid fees for Smart Card DL shall present himself before the computer system for capturing photograph and Signature. Driving licence will be delivered on the next day between 4.30 – 5.30 pm.6. In case the applicant failed in test of competence ….. ?
The applicant failed in test of competence can collect his application along doucuments and can reappear for the test after 7 days by paying the test fees of Rs. 50/-.7. Currency of driving licence:
1) Driving licence issued is valid throughout India. 2) Driving licence will be issued for 20 years or 50 years of age whichever is earlier for non-transport vehicles (Motor cycle, Car/Jeep, Tractor only, etc. which are used personal use) 3) Driving licence issued for transport vehicle will be valid for three years.How To Obtain Duplicate Driving Licence?
Duplicate Driving Licence can be obtained in case i) lost ii) mutilation iii) destroyed iv) torn1. Application :
1) Application form in KMV 1 available at the enquiry counter. 2) 3 recent passport size photographs to be produced.2. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter)
1) Rs.15/- for DL Book (or) 2) Rs. 215/- for Smart Card.3.Documents:
Affidavit sworn by the applicant before an executive magistrate or a first class judicial magistrate or a notary public for having lost the driving licence In case of mutilated/soiled/torn driving licence such licence has to be surrendered.4. Where to file an application?
The application with above documents has to be submitted to Asst.RTO(Driving Licence Branch). The duplicate driving licence will be delivered as per the time prescribed by the Asst.RTO.When And How To Renew Driving Licence?
1) The following procedure has to be followed for RENEWAL of Driving licence. 2) Application for renewal of driving licence can be made within 30 days from the date of expiry of validity of driving licenceApplication and documents:
1) Application form in CMV 9 available at the enquiry counter. 2) Application-cum-declaration as to the physical fitness in form CMV 1 and Medical Certificate in form CMV 1A in case of applicant who completed 40 years of age. 3) Holder of DL for transport vehicle shall produce physical fitness and medical certificate at the time of renewal of DL. 4) 3 recent passport size photographs 5) driving licence (Book or PVC Card).1. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter):
1) Rs. 50/- in case of Renewal at DL Book if within 30 days from the date of expiry of Driving Licence. 2) In respect of renewal of driving licence in form 6(DL Book)/form 7 (PVC Card) if application is made after the grace period (after 30 days of expiry of DL) Rs. 100/- and an additional fee of Rs. 50/- for a period of delay of one year or part thereof reckoned from the date of expiry of grace period. 3) In addition to the above, Rs. 215/- for Renewal of PVC Card.2. Where to file an application ?
1) The application with above documents has to be submitted to Asst. R.T.O.(Driving Licence Branch). 2) The driving licence will be renewed for the period of five years in respect of Non-Transport Vehicle and three years for Transport vehicles. The renewed driving licence will be delivered on the same day between 4.30 – 5.30 pm if the licence is obtained in the same office. In other cases after 20 days between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm since it requires verification and involves correspondence.How To Add Another Class Of Vehicle In Existing Driving Licence?
General :
No person shall hold more than one driving licence. Rules provide for obtaining or adding additional class of vehicle in the existing driving licence. The following procedure has to be followed for endorsement of additional class of vehicle in existing driving licence.1. Application and Documents :
1) Application form in CMV 8 available at the enquiry counter. 2) Three recent passport size photographs. 3) Valid driving licence 4) Valid learner’s licence for which additional class of vehicle is required. 5) Documents of vehicle in which applicant proposes to appear for test of competence to drive vehicle (such as Registration Certificate, Insurance Certificate, Tax Card, Pollution under control Certificate and fitness certificate in case of transport vehicle). 6) In case of addition of transport vehicle certificate in form CMV 5 issued by Driving Training School.2. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter)
1) Rs.30/- towards DL Book or Rs. 215/- for PVC Card. 2) Rs.50/- towards driving test for each class of vehicle.3. Where to file an application ?
The applicant shall present himself before the Asst. R.T.O. (Driving Licence Branch) along with application and documents.4. What is test of competence to drive vehicle ?
The Inspector of motor vehicles will conduct the test of competence to drive vehicle as per the procedures laid down under rule 15 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989. (Refer http://morth.nic.in/ for more details). After satisfaction about the driving skills the testing authority will pass his remarks about the endorsement of additional class of vehicle. The Asst. R.T.O. will pass an order for an endorsement. Applicants who have passed and paid fees for PVC Card shall present himself before the computer system for photograph..5. Delivery of Driving Licence:
Driving licence with endorsement of additional class will be delivered on the next day between 4.30 – 5.30 pm.6. In case the applicant failed in test of competence ….. ?
1) The applicant failed in test of competence can collect his application along doucuments and can reappear for the test after SEVEN days by paying the test fees of Rs.50/-. NOTE: For obtaining endorsement for driving goods carriages carrying dangerous and hazardous goods: i) Application on plain paper ii) Minimum Educational Qualification : A pass in Xth or equivalent examination. iii) Applicant should produce a proof to show that he is able to read and write at least one Indian language and English. iv) He should possess a certificate issued by the recognised institution of having passed a course connected with transport of such goods (Syllabus as prescribed under rule 9 of CMV Rules, 1989).How To Obtain Conductor Licence
The following procedure has to be followed for obtaining conductor’s licence.1. Application & Documents required:
1) Application form in KMV 12available at the enquiry counter. 2) Medical Certificate in form KMV 13. 3) Three recent passport size photographs. 4) Certificate for having passed SSLC or equivalent examination. 5) Character Certificate issued by School/College/MLA/MP/Gazetted Officers. 6) First Aid Certificate issued by St. John’s Ambulance Association of India. 7) Working knowledge of the language of the area in which he intends to work 8) Address Proof (Any of the following): i) Ration Card ii) Passport iii) LIC Policy iv) Electoral Roll v) Telephone Bill vi) Electricity Bill vii) Water Bill viii)Caste Certificate (SC/ST, Backward Class and Minorties, etc.) and Income Certificate issued by Tahasildar. ix) Pay slip issued by any office of the Central Government or a State Government or a Local body. x) Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address.2. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter)
1) Rs.20/- towards CL Book 2) Rs.10/- towards Badge.3. Where to file an application?
The applicant has to present himself along with above application and documents before the Asst. R.T.O. and to appear for oral test before the testing authority.4. Test Details:
Knowledge of provisions of Motor Vehicle Act and Rules relating to the duties and functions of the conductor. Adequate knowledge of duties and conduct of a conductor stipulated under rule 25 of KMV Rules.5. Delivery of Conductor Licence
Conductor licence will be issued for the period of three years to those qualified in the Test and will be delivered on the next day.How To Renew Conductor’s Licence?
The following procedure has to be followed for renewal of conductor’s licence.1. Application & Documents required:
1) Application form in KMV 15 available at the enquiry counter. 2) Medical Certificate in form KMV 13. 3) Valid conductor licence. 4) Three recent passport size photographs.2. Fees: (payable at the RTO cash counter)
1) Rs. 20/- in case of Renewal at Conductor Licence if within 30 days from the date of expiry of Conductor Licence. 2) Rs. 50/- in case of Renewal at Conductor Licence if renewed after 30 days from the date of expiry of Conductor Licence 3) In case of delayed renewal application where the period does not exceed more than five years, an additional fee of Rs. 25/- for every year or part thereof.3. Where to file an application ?
The applicant has to submit application along with above documents for endorsement of renewal.4. Delivery of Renewed Conductor Licence:
Renewed Conductor Licence will be delivered on the same day.Noting Of Change Of Address In Driving Licence/Learner’s Licence/Conductor’s Licence:
Applicants holding driving licence/learner’s licence/conductor’s licence desire for noting change of address shall make an application on plain paper along with documents and any one of the following proof of address : 1) Ration Card 2) Passport 3) LIC Policy 4) Electoral Roll 5) Telephone Bill 6) Electricity Bill 7) Water Bill 8) Caste Certificate (SC/ST, Backward Class and Minorties, etc.) and Income Certificate issued by Tahasildar. 9) Pay slip issued by any office of the Central Government or a State Government or a Local body. 10) Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address 11) Proof of legal presence in India in addition to proof of residence in case of foreigners. 12) Change of address will be recorded in the respective Learner's Licence / Driving Licence / Conductor Licence will be delivered on the same day between 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm. if issued in the same office.Note:
1. For effecting change of address in PVC Driving Licence Card a fee of Rs. 215/- has to be paid at RTO cash counter and the applicant himself has to be present for capturing photograph. 2. In case of the driving licence/conductor licence issued by other licencing authorities change of address will be effected after 30 days on due verification.Procedure For Obtaining International Driving Permit (I.D.P)
1. Applicaiton Form CMV 4-A available in the office/download from website. 2. IDP Fee of Rs. 500/- (to be payable at Cash Counter) 3. Original Valid Driving Licence + Passport + Visa + Air Ticket ( with one set xerox copies) 4. Medical Certificate in form CMV 1 & CMV 1A shall be enclosed along with the application. 5. Three Recent passport size photographs. 6. Candidate shall appear in person. 7. The applicant should be citizen of India. 8. Applicant shall appear for re-test if the Driving Licence issued is within three months. 9. The address in the Driving licence should fall under the jurisdiction of the Regional Transport office to where the application for IDP is being made.Validity and Delivery of I.D.P.:
Validity of the IDP will be for one year or till the validity of the driving licence which ever occurs first. Special Note : In case of driving licence belonging to other regions/state , the applicant should apply and obtain change of address in the driving licence. In case of licence issued by other regions within karnataka state the time required for change of address is three days, and in case of driving licence issued by other states the time required is 21 days. Therefore the applicant keeping the time required in mind, should plan well in advance while making an application for IDP.Issue of Driving Licence to the Holders of Foreign driving licence
The applicant holding driving licence issued by a competent authority of any country outside India shall be exempted from test of competence to drive the vehicle. However, he shall pay the prescribed fees for obtaining learner's licence and driving licence. Also, to produce medical certificates in form CMV 1 & 1A. The applicant shall undergo preliminary test for obtaining Learner's licence. He should produce the residence permit issued by the Police commissioner along with the Proof of legal residence in India as per rule 4 of CMV rules.Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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