Driving Licence In Haryana
Driving Licence in Haryana
Licences to drive a motor vehicle
• As per Section 3(1) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, no person is permitted to drive a motor vehicle in any public place unless he or she holds an effective driving licence issued to him/her authorizing him/her to drive the vehicle.Age Eligibility
• As per Section 4 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, no person is permitted to drive a motor vehicle in any public place unless he fulfills the prescribed age criteria. It is the responsibility of the owner or person in charge of the vehicle to not permit any person who does not have a valid licence or does not satisfy the age requirements, to drive the vehicle. • A person cannot be issued a driving licence unless he (or she) meets the age criterion for the class of vehicle for which he (or she) applies for a licence. The minimum age required to be eligible to drive a motor vehicle in India is as under:- 1) 16 years - For motor cycles with engine capacity not exceeding 50cc. 2) 20 years - For transport vehicles i.e. all the passenger vehicles which are used for hire or reward and all goods vehicles. 3) 18 years - All the remaining vehicles i.e. vehicles other than motor cycles with engine capacity not exceeding 50cc and transport vehicles.Educational Qualification
• The minimum educational qualification in respect of an applicant for obtaining a licence to drive a transport vehicle is 8th standard. A person driving a goods vehicle carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life should also has the ability to read and write atleast one Indian language specified in VIII Schedule of the Constitution and English.Types of Driving Licences
Following types of licences are issued by the Licensing Authority in India.Learner's licence
Every new driver must acquire a learner's licence for learning to drive a motor vehicle of the class for which the licence is intended. Learner's licence is issued by the Licensing Authority after taking a preliminary test and is valid for six months from the date it is issued. A person holding a learner's licence is allowed to drive while receiving instructions or for gaining experience in driving provided he or she is accompanied by an instructor holding an effective driving licence to drive the vehicle and the instructor is sitting in such a position to control or stop the vehicle, if needed. The vehicle driven by a person holding learner's licence must also have 'L' sign displayed (painted or attached) on the vehicle in the front and the rear, in red on a white background. The dimensions of the letter 'L' must be at least ten centimeters in height, two centimeters in thickness, and nine centimeters in width at the bottom.Driving Licence (Pucca)
Driving licence is issued to eligible persons, Indian citizens or foreign nationals, allowing them to drive a motor vehicle in India. The driving licence is valid in any part of India. A person is eligible to apply for the driving licence after thirty days from the date of issue of the learner's licence to him/her but before the expiry of the learner's licence.International Driving Permit (IDP)
The Licensing Authority is also competent to issue International Driving Permit to Indian nationals to drive vehicles in countries other than India except the countries with which there are no diplomatic relations. However, driving a motor vehicle in another country must be in compliance with the laws and regulations of that country. International Driving Permit is valid for a period of not more than one year from the date of issuance or till the validity of the driving licence, whichever is earlier.Currency of Licences
The licences are effective for periods as under:- 1) learner's licence - six months from the date of issue. 2) driving licence tdrivingo drive a transport vehicle - three years from the date of issue. 3) driving licence to drive a transport vehicle carrying goods of dangerous/hazardous nature - one year from the date of issue. 4) driving licence to drive any other vehicle - a) twenty years from issue/renewal or till the age of 50 years, whichever is earlier the date. b) five years, if the applicant has attained the age of 50 years. The driving licence continues to be effective for a period of 30 days from the date of expiry.Where To Apply?
· Driving licence is issued by the Licensing Authority having jurisdiction in the area in which the applicant ordinarily resides or carries on business. In Haryana, the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority has been appointed as the Licensing Authority to issue licences to drive transport vehicles and omnibus to persons residing within the area of his jurisdiction. The Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) has been appointed as the Licensing Authority to issue licences to drive all types of vehicles except a transport vehicle or an omnibus within the area of his jurisdiction.Getting Learner's Licence
• Following documents are required to apply for learner's licence:- 1) application in Form 2. 2) appropriate as prescribed in rule 32 of CMV Rules. 3) proof of residence* 4) proof of age* 5) proof of citizenship. 6) three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photograph. 7) self declaration about physical fitness in Form I (if the applicant is less than 50 years of age and the application is for a vehicle other than a transport vehicle). 8) A medical certificate in Form 1-A (if the applicant is more than 50 years of age or the application is for a transport vehicle). 9) consent of parent or guardian in case the applicant is a minor. 10) the driving licence currently held by the applicant in case the application is for transport vehicle. 11) proof of educational qualification in case the application is for the grant of licence to drive a transport vehicle. . Any one of the following documents can be produced in original or an attested copy thereof as proof of address and age :- 1) Electoral Roll. 2) Life Insurance Policy. 3) Passport 4) Pay slip issued by any office of the Central or State Government or a local body 5) Telephone Bill 6) Electricity Charges Bill 7) Water Charges Bill 8) Identity Card issued to the Ex-serviceman by the Zila Sanik Board 9) Income Tax Return 10) Certificate issued by the Hostel Wardens in case of students residing in Hostels 11) Marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriages 12) Residence certificate issued by the District Administration 13) Rent deed/Rent Agreement 14) Report from the concerned SHO 15) Employer certificate in case of Private Limited Companies with Identity Card 16) House Allotment letter issued by the Govt. Department 17) Ownership letter issued by the Estate Office 18) Educational Certificate 19) Birth Certificate 20) PAN Card 21) Voter Identity Card 22) Certificate of age confirmation in case of illiterate person from Medical Officer of Government Dispensary. Where the applicant is not able to produce any of the above mentioned documents for sufficient reason, the Registering Authority may accept any affidavit sworn by the applicant before an Executive Magistrate, or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of address. For Date of Birth Only • Once the applicant has submitted the application for a learner's licence along with the documents as mentioned above, the applicant is required to appear for a test (preliminary test) before the Licensing Authority. This test is conducted to satisfy the Licensing Authority that the applicant possesses adequate knowledge and understanding of:- 1) traffic signs, traffic signals, and rules of the road regulations. 2) duties of a driver when his or her vehicle is involved in an accident. 3) the precautions to be taken while passing an unmanned railway crossing. 4) the documents he/she should carry with him/her while driving a motor vehicle; The applicant is required to correctly answer at least 60 percent of the questions put to him/her.Getting Driving Licence (Pucca)
• Following documents are needed to apply for the driving licence:- 1) application in Form 4. 2) effective learner's licence to drive the vehicle of the type to which the application relates. 3) appropriate fee as specified in rule 32 of CMV Rules, for the test of competence to drive and issue of licence. 4) self declaration about physical fitness in Form I (if the applicant is less than 50 years of age and the application is for a vehicle other than a transport vehicle). 5) A medical certificate in Form 1-A (if the applicant is more than 50 years of age or the application is for a transport vehicle). 6) three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photograph. 7) proof of residence. 8) proof of age. 9) a driving certificate in Form 5 issued by an authorized driving school from where the applicant received training, if any. In case of transport vehicles, the driving certificate in Form 5 is mandatory. 10) proof of educational qualification in case the application is for the grant of licence to drive a transport vehicle. • Before issue of the driving licence, the applicant is required to appear for the test of competence to drive (driving test) before the Licensing Authority or such other person as may be authorized by the Government. The test is conducted in a vehicle (the applicant should bring the vehicle) of the type for which the licence is sought by the applicant. The applicant is tested on the driving skills, understanding of the vehicle, knowledge of traffic laws, rules and regulations, signs, signals, and general attitude while driving. He should satisfy the person conducting the test that he is able to:- 1) adjust the rear-view mirror. 2) take suitable precautions before starting the engine. 3) move away safely and smoothly straight ahead at an angle, while at the same time engaging all gears until the top gear is reached. 4) to change to the lower gears quickly from the top gear when the traffic conditions warrant such change. 5) change quickly to lower gears when driving downhill. 6) stop and re-start the vehicle on a steep upward incline making proper use of the hand-brake or of the throttle and the foot-brake without any rolling back, turn right and left corners correctly and make proper use of the rear-view mirror before signalling. 7) overtake, allow to be overtaken, meet or cover the path of other vehicles safely and take an appropriate course of the road with proper caution giving appropriate signals. 8) give appropriate traffic signals at the appropriate time, in clear and unmistakable manner by hand or by electrical indicators fitted to the vehicle. 9) change lanes with proper signals and with due care. 10) stop the vehicle in an emergency or otherwise, and in the latter case, bring it to rest at an appropriate course on the road safely, giving appropriate signals. 11) in the case of vehicle having a reverse gear, driving the vehicle backwards, reverse it into a limited opening either to the right or left under control and with reasonable accuracy. 12) cause the vehicle to face in the opposite direction by means of forward and reverse gears. 13) take correct and prompt action on the signals given by traffic signs, traffic lights, traffic controllers, policemen and take appropriate action on signs given by other road users. 14) act correctly at pedestrian crossings, which is not regulated by traffic lights or traffic police, by giving preference to persons crossing the roads; keep well to the left in normal driving. 15) regulate speed to suit varying road and traffic conditions. 16) demonstrate general control of the vehicle by confident steering and smooth gear changing and braking as and when necessary. 17) make proper use of the rear-view mirror before signalling, beginning manoeuvring, moving away, altering the course to overtake, turning right or stopping. 18) use proper side when driving straight, turning right, turning left and at junction of the road. 19) make proper use of accelerator, clutch, gears, brakes (hand and foot) steering and horn. 20) anticipate the actions of pedestrians, drivers of other vehicles and cyclists. 21) take precautions at cross roads and on road junction with regard to: i) adjustment of speed on approach ii) proper use of rear-view mirror iii) correct positioning of the vehicle before and after turning to the right or left avoidance of cutting right hand corners iv) looking right, left and right again before crossing or emerging v) concentrate in driving without his attention being distracted and to demonstrate the presence of mind. vi) show courtesy and consideration for the safety and convenience of other road users, such as pedestrians, drivers of other motor vehicles or cyclists. • In case the applicant fails the test, he or she is allowed to reappear for the driving test after seven days. If the applicant fails to pass the test in three attempts, he (or she) will have to wait for another sixty days from the date of the last test before re-appearing for the driving test. • A person who passed a test in driving a motor cycle with gear is also deemed to have passed a test in driving a motor cycle without gear. • A person is exempted from the test of competence, if:- i) he has previously held a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle and the period between the date of expiry of that licence and the date of application does not exceed five years, or ii) he holds or has previously held a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle belonging to the Central Government, or iii) he holds a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle issued by a competent authority of any other country outside India. • A person may also be exempted from the driving test by the Licensing Authority if the applicant possesses a driving certificate in Form 5 issued by any driving school/institution recognized in this behalf by the State Government.Getting International Driving Permit (IDP)
• The following documents are needed to apply for an International Driving Permit:- 1) application in Form 4-A. 2) valid driving licence issued by the Licensing Authority under CMV Rules. 3) appropriate fee as specified in rule 32 of CMV Rules. 4) three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photograph. 5) medical certificate in Form 1-A wherever applicable. 6) valid proof of Indian Nationals. 7) valid proof of passport. 8) valid proof of visa, wherever applicable.Additions to the Driving Licence
• In case a person desires to add another class or description of motor vehicle to the driving licence already issued, an application should be submitted to the Licensing Authority along with the following documents:- 1) application in Form 8. 2) appropriate fee as specified in rule 32 of CMV Rules. 3) an effective learner's licence and driving licence held by the applicant. 4) driving certificate in Form 5 in case of application for addition of a transport vehicle. 5) medical certificate in Form 1-A wherever applicable. • The provisions applicable for the grant of a driving licence for a particular class or description of vehicle will also be applicable when an application is made to add that class or description of vehicle to the existing licence.Renewal of a Driving Licence
• The following documents are required to apply for the renewal of a driving licence:- 1) application in Form 9. 2) appropriate fee as specified in rule 32 of CMV Rules. 3) three copies of the applicant’s recent passport size photograph. the driving licence. 4) self declaration about physical fitness in Form I (if the applicant is less than 50 years of age and the application is for a vehicle other than a transport vehicle). 5) A medical certificate in Form 1A (if the applicant is more than 50 years of age or the application is for a transport vehicle). • If the application for renewal of a licence is submitted more than 30 days from the date of its expiry, the driving licence is renewed w.e.f. the dates of its renewal. • If the application for renewal is made more than 5 years after the driving licence has seized to be effective, the applicant is required to pass the test of competence again.Duplicate Driving Licence
• In case of loss, theft, destruction, mutilation/torn/defacement of the driving licence, a duplicate driving licence may be issued. Following documents are needed to apply for a duplicate licence:- 1) application in Form H.R. No. 1. 2) appropriate fee as specified in rule 10 of HMV Rules; (no fee is charged if the licence was lost while in the custody of a Court or an authority to which it was submitted or surrendered). 3) two copies of the applicant's recent passport size photograph.Conductor's Licence
• A conductor's licence is required to enable the holder to act as a conductor of a stage carriage. A person is eligible to make application for the grant of conductor's license, if he:- 1) is a Matriculate with Hindi as one of the subject. 2) possesses knowledge of the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under. 3) is conversant with the duties and functions of a conductor. 4) is of a sound physique. 5) gives satisfactory proof of his good character. • The fee for grant of a conductor’s licence and its renewal is one half of that for a driving licence. • An application for the grant or counter signature of a conductor's licence is required to submit to the licensing authority of the area of jurisdiction where the applicant resides or carries on business. • The following documents are needed to apply for conductor's licence:- 1) application in Form H.R. No. 7. 2) two clear copies of recent photographs of the applicant. 3) a cash receipt or a treasury challan in token of payment of fee. 4) medical certificate of fitness from a Government Medical Officer. 5) a certificate issued by the Saint John's Ambulance or any of its units in the 6) 6) State in Form H.R.No.8. • A conductor's licence is issued in Form HR No.10 which is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue.Licence to establish/maintain a driving school
• An application for the grant or renewal of a licence is required to be made in Form 12 or Form 13, as the case may be, to the Licensing Authority (Secretary, Regional Transport Authority concerned) having jurisdiction in the area in which the school or establishment is situated and should be accompanied by appropriate fee as specified in rule 32. • Requirements:- 1) The applicant and the staff working under him should be of good moral character and qualified to give driving instructions. 2) The premises where the school or establishment is proposed to be conducted should be either owned by the applicant or taken on lease by him or hired in his name and should have adequate provision for conducting lecture and demonstration of models besides adequate parking area for the vehicles meant to be used for imparting instructions in driving. 3) The financial resources of the proposed school or establishment should be sufficient to provide for its continued maintenance. 4) The applicant should own and maintain a minimum of one motor vehicle each of the type in which instruction is imparted in the school or establishment. 5) The vehicles should be available exclusively for purposes of imparting instruction and all such vehicles, except motor cycles, are fitted with dual control facility to enable the instructor to control or stop the vehicle. 6) The applicant should maintain the following apparatus, equipment and other requirements, namely:- 1) a blackboard. 2) a road plan board with necessary model signals and charts. 3) traffic signs chart. 4) chart on automatic signals and signals given by traffic controllers where there are no automatic signals. 5) a service chart depicting a detailed view of all the components of a motor vehicle. 6) engine gear box, brake shoe and drums (except where the applicant desires to impart instruction in the driving of motor cycles only). 7) puncture kit with tyre lever, wheel brace, jack and tyre pressure gauge. spanners (a set each of fix spanners, box spanners, pliers, screw drivers, screw spanners, and hammer). 8) driving instructions manual. 9) benches and tables for trainees and work bench. 10) a collection of books on automobile mechanism, driving, road safety, traffic regulations, laws relating to motor vehicles and related subjects. 11) a fully equipped first-aid box for use in emergency at the premises. 12) The applicant or any member of the staff employed by him for imparting instructions should possess the following qualifications, namely:- i) a minimum educational qualification of a pass in the 10th standard. ii) a minimum driving experience of five years in addition to a certificate in a course in motor mechanics or any other higher qualification in mechanical engineering from an institution established by the Central or a State Government or from an institution recognised by the Board of Technical Education of a State Government. iii) thorough knowledge of traffic signs specified in the Schedule to the Act and the regulations made under section 118. iv) ability to demonstrate and to explain the functions of different components, parts of the vehicles. v) adequate knowledge of English or the regional language of the region in which the school or establishment is situated. • Duration of licence. The licence is valid for a period of five years. • Renewal of licence. The licence may be renewed on an application in Form 13 made to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority which granted the licence not less than sixty days before the date of its expiry. • The validity of the licence is subject to fulfilling the criteria as prescribed by the State Government, which will be certified by the licensing authority on an annual basis. • General conditions to be observed by the holder of a licence The holder of a licence is required to:- 1) maintain on an annual basis, a register in Form 14 and an alphabetical list of the names of the students admitted during the year. 2) conduct the training course according to the syllabus specified in rule 31. submit to the licensing authority such information or return as may be called for by it from time to time. 3) not shift the school or establishment from the premises mentioned in the licence without the prior approval in writing of the licensing authority. 4) keep the premises of the school or establishment and the record and registers maintained by it at all reasonable times open for inspection by the licensing authority or by any person authorised in this behalf by the licensing authority. 5) exhibit in a conspicuous manner on all the motor vehicles used for imparting instructions the name, full address of the school or establishment and the telephone number, if any, in bold letters. 6) maintain a record separately for each trainee showing the number of driving hours spent every day in Form 15. 7) display at a prominent place in its office the following:- i) the licence in original issued to the school or establishment by the licensing authority, and ii) the names and addresses of instructors employed by the school or establishment. iii) not act in a manner calculated to mislead any person making an application to receive instructions from the school or establishment as to his ability to procure a licence for such person or to connive with any person in acts of commission or omission.Licence Number Check
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp
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