Driving Licence In Andhra Pradesh
Driving Licence in Andhra Pradesh
Driving Licence
The Government of Andhra Pradesh is committed to provide Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (SMART) services to the people through the concept of Citizens' Charter. The Transport Department, as part of the implementation of this Citizens' Charter, has simplified the procedures to get a Driving Licence.Need of a Driving Licence
As per Motor Vehicle Act 1988, a valid Driving Licence is necessary to drive any motor vehicle on public roads. We can get the Driving Licence at the Regional Transport Office or Motor Vehicles Inspector's Office, having jurisdiction over your residential area. After completion of 16 years of age, for driving motor cycles with engine capacity not exceeding 50cc with the consent of the parent / guardian. After completion of 18 years of age, motor cycles with engine capacity exceeding 50cc and light motor vehicle. After completion of 20 years of age, for an endorsement to drive transport vehicles.Obtain a learners Licence
Applicant for a Learner's Licence should appear personally before the Licensing Authority with the following: 1) Application Form II (available with the department) 2) Fees of Rs. 15/- for each class of vehicle 3) Proof of age 4) Proof of residence 5) Medical Certificate in Form 1A wherever applicable. An application for a medical certificate (Form - IA) shall contain a declaration in Form - 1 (Telugu Version Page-6) 1 Page-2 Page-3 ) 7) 3 recent passport size photographs of the applicant. 8) Applicants for Transport Vehicle Licence must produce a Permanent Driving Licence for Light Motor Vehicle held by him at least for one year, medical certificate in Form 1A and he should attain the age of 20 years. 9) Applicants for Learner's Licence shall pass a test regarding basic traffic signs and driver's responsibilities. The Learner's Licence so issued is valid for a period of six months from the date of issue and is renewable for another period of six months, during its validity. For Learner's Licence the following application form are needed 1) Age Proof 2) Proof of Residence. Every applicant for the issue of a Learner's Licence or Permanent Licence or an endorsement shall produce as evidence of his address and age any one or more of the following documents in original or relevant extracts thereof duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of the Central Government or of a State Government or an officer of a local body who is equivalent in rank to a Gazetted Officer of the Government or Village Administration Officer or Municipal Corporation Councillor or Panchayat President, namely : 1) Ration Card, 2) Electoral Roll, 3) Life Insurance Policy, 4) Passport, 5) Electricity or Telephone Bill, 6) Pay slip issued by any office of the Central Government or a State Government or a local body, 7) House Tax Receipt, 8) School Certificate, 9) Birth Certificate, 10) Certificate granted by a registered medical practioner not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon, as to the age of the applicant. 11) Provided that where the applicant is not able to produce any of the above - mentioned documents for sufficient reason, the licensing authority may accept any affidavit sworn by the applicant before an Executive Magistrate, or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address.Obtain a Permanent Licence
An application for a driving Licence shall be made in Form 4 and shall be accompained by 1) An effective learner's Licence to drive the vehicle of the type to which the and 2) application relates. 3) Appropriate fee as specified in Rule 32 (CMV RULES), for the test of competence to drive and issue of Licence. 4) Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs. 5) Medical certificate in Form 1A wherever applicable. An application for a medical certificate (Form - IA) shall contain a declaration in Form - 1 6) A driving certificate in Form 5 in case of transport Licence. 7) For obtaining a fresh driving Licence he/she has to undergo driving test of the relevent vehicle for which he/she has applied for and pass the test of competence to drive.Medical Certificate
Applicants for the Non-Transport Licences, under the age of 50 years do not require a Medical Certificate. However, those applicants who are over 50 years of age must produce a Medical Certificate. All applicants for Transport Vehicle Licence must produce a Medical Certificate, irrespective of their age.Renewal of Driving Licence
An application for renewal of driving Licence shall be made in Form No.9 to the Licence authority having juridiction over the area in which the applicant ordinarly resides or carries on business and shall be accompanied by - 1) Appropriate fee for Renewal as specified in Rule 32 CMV RULES (in Form 6 Rs.15/- and in Form 7 Rs.40/-, Late Renewal Fee Rs.10/- after grace period of 30 days for every year.) 2) Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs, if renewal is made in Form 6 3) The driving Licence. 4) The medical certificate in Form 1A wherever applicable. An application for a medical certificate (Form - IA) shall contain a declaration in Form - 1Issue of Duplicate Driving Licence
An application for issue of duplicate driving Licence shall be made in Form LLD to the Licenceing authority where the Licence is obtained or last renewed. a) Appropriate fee as specified in Rule 18 of APMV RULES (Rs.15/-) b) If the duplicate Licence made in Form 7 the fees : Rs.40/-. c) Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs.International Driving Permit
An application for issue of International driving Permit shall be made in IDP Form to the Licenceing authority where the Licence is obtained or last renewed. 1) Appropriate fee Rs.200/-. 2) Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs. 3) Copies of Passport,Driving Licence(Originals Should be produced for verfication).Driving Licence Change Of Address
An application for endorsement of change of address in the driving Licence shall be made in Plain paper by affixing Rs.3/- Non-Judicial Court Fee Stamp to the Licenceing authority. Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs. Copies of Proof of Residense or Place of Business (Originals should be produced for verfication).Driving Licence Addition of Another Vehicle to Drive
An application for addition of another class of vehicle shall be made in Form No 8 An effective learner's Licence and Driving Licence held by the applicant. Appropriate fee as specified in Rule 32 (CMV RULES)(for the test of competence to drive Rs.15/- for each class of vehicle and endorsement fee of Rs.15/-). Three copies of the applicant's recent passport size photographs. A driving certificate in Form 5 in case of transport Licence. For addition of another class of vehicle he/she has to undergo driving test of the relevent vehicle for which he/she has applied for and pass the test of competence to drive.Driving Licence Search
It is possible to check the status of licence number using the given url https://aptransport.in/APCFSTONLINE/Reports/OnlineLicenceSearch.aspx
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