Find below information on जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी tractor model in India. You can find जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी prices, new जॉन डीरे Tractor showrooms, जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी reviews and other details.

जॉन डीरे
5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी
75 हचपी
3.5 / 5
₹ 3,00,000 (ExShowroom - Delhi)
2400 RPM
75 BHP
68 litre
3625 mm
1880 mm
2045 mm
460 mm
12.4 x 24 (0.31 x 0.61 m)
18.4 x 30 (0.47 x 0.76 m)
Self Adjusting, Self equalizing, Hydraulically Actuated oil immersed disc brakes
Dual Clutch
Dry type, Dual element
Dry type, Dual element
9 Forward + 3 Reverse
Power Steering
Independent, 6 Splines
Standard 540 @ 2376 ERPM Economy 540 @ 1705 ERPM
2.2 - 28.3 kmph
3.7 - 24.2 kmph
12 V 100 Ah
* जॉन डीरे may not sell all the bus models listed here in all showrooms. जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी pictures are for representation purpose only. To book and know the price details of जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी just click the buy now button.
बारे में अपनी टिप्पणी साझा करें जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी ट्रैक्टर अपने दोस्तों के साथ

Ayilla Aravind kumar , says
Tell me the price 5055e 4wd and 5060e 4wd also.
Published on 2017-12-11 11:01:45

kuldeep singh , ludhiana says
want to purchase
Published on 2017-11-18 21:39:09

Nasib Singh sidhu , Shahabad markanda says
With all details
Published on 2017-10-19 11:25:56

Abhesing Thakor , Deesa banskanth says
Trector John Deere tractor 5310
Published on 2017-06-23 08:43:24

dharmendra , dist. dewas teh.udainagar gram ratatalai mp says
Ag.subsidy on tracatar form
Published on 2017-05-28 07:44:18
संबंधित टैग:
जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी भारत में, में कीमत जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी, जॉन डीरे 5075 इ 4डबिलयूडी 75 हचपी समीक्षा