What is the service repair cost of Tata Nexon?

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Q : What is the service repair cost of Tata Nexon?

Petrol Service Cost

Service KM Month Service Type Service Item Price
1 1500 2 Free Service 1 0
General Inspection 0
Final Cost 0
2 7500 6 Free Service 2 0
General Inspection 0
Final Cost 0
3 15000 12 Free Service 3 0
General Inspection 0
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 0
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 0
Final Cost 0
4 30000 24 Paid Service 4 5650
Spark Plug 300
Brake Fluid 350
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2000
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Clutch Fluid 300
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Final Cost 5650
5 45000 36 Paid Service 5 5000
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2000
Air Filter 300
Final Cost 5000
6 60000 48 Paid Service 6 6400
Coolant 750
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2000
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Brake Fluid 350
Clutch Fluid 300
Spark Plug 300
Final Cost 6400
7 75000 60 Paid Service 7 4100
Fuel Filter 300
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2000

Diesel Service Cost

Service KM Month Service Type Service Item Price
1 1500 2 Free Service 1 0
General Inspection 0
Final Cost 0
2 7500 6 Free Service 2 0
General Inspection 0
Final Cost 0
3 15000 12 Free Service 3 0
General Inspection 0
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 0
Drain Water from Fuel Filter Bowl 0
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 0
Final Cost 0
4 30000 24 Paid Service 4 5750
Brake Fluid 350
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2400
Clutch Fluid 300
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Drain Water from Fuel Filter Bowl 0
Final Cost 5750
5 45000 36 Paid Service 5 5400
Air Filter 300
Drain Water from Fuel Filter Bowl 0
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2400
Final Cost 5400
6 60000 48 Paid Service 6 6750
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2400
Brake Fluid 350
Wheel Alignment and Balancing 900
Labor Charges with GST 1800
Drain Water from Fuel Filter Bowl 0
Clutch Fluid 300
Coolant 1000
Final Cost 6750
7 75000 60 Paid Service 7 6100
Fuel Filter 1900
Engine Oil and Oil Filter 2400
Labor Charges with GST 1800

The service repair cost of Tata Nexon are shown above.

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