What is the resale value of Mahindra Marazzo car?

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Q : What is the resale value of Mahindra Marazzo car?
A : The resale price for Mahindra Marazzo
Mahindra Marazzo2025₹ 12,82,500
Mahindra Marazzo2024₹ 11,47,500
Mahindra Marazzo2023₹ 10,80,000
Mahindra Marazzo2022₹ 9,45,000
Mahindra Marazzo2021₹ 8,10,000
Mahindra Marazzo2020₹ 8,10,000
Mahindra Marazzo2019₹ 8,10,000
Mahindra Marazzo2018₹ 8,10,000

Resale value means the trade value of a good that has already been purchased. If the holder of the good wishes to resell the good to another party, this would be the amount of money that could be expected to be made from the transaction. When you discover you're disappointed with the car you just bought, this is the amount of money you can expect to recover when reselling it. If you borrowed money to buy this car, cars with low resale values can put you "Upside down", meaning you will owe more for the car than what you can expect to get for it. Cars with a high resale value will allow you to pay down your remaining loan. Generally speaking, one doesn't normally need to worry about resale value unless they bought a car because they believed it would suddenly make them "cool".

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