Find below information on Tata LP 407 Bus model in India. You can find Tata LP 407 Bus prices, new Tata Bus showrooms, Tata LP 407 Bus reviews and other details.

Tata LP 407 has 3 variants. Click on the below images to see the details of each variant.
Tata LP 407 Starbus 24 Seater BS-IV CNG
Price | : | NA |
Engine Type | : | Tata Sgi (Sequential Gas Injection), Water-Cooled, NAturally-Aspirated, Di Cng |
Displacement | : | 3783.00 CC |
Tata LP 407 Starbus Skool 26 Seater CNG
Price | : | NA |
Engine Type | : | 3.8 SGI |
Displacement | : | 3800.00 CC |
Tata LP 407 Starbus Skool 30 Seater CNG
Price | : | NA |
Engine Type | : | 3.8 SGI |
Displacement | : | 3800.00 CC |
* Tata may not sell all the Bus models listed here in all showrooms. Tata LP 407 Bus pictures are for representation purpose only. To book and know the price details of Tata LP 407 Bus just click the buy now button.
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