Find below information on SML Isuzu School 3 Bus model in India. You can find SML Isuzu School 3 Bus prices, new SML Isuzu Bus showrooms, SML Isuzu School 3 Bus reviews and other details.

SML Isuzu School 3 has 2 variants. SML Isuzu School 3 buses will be in the range of ₹ 98,000 and ₹ 98,000 . Click on the below images to see the details of each variant.
SML Isuzu School 3 COSMO AC
Price | : | ₹ 98,000 onwards |
Engine Type | : | 4 cylinder in line - Direct njection |
Displacement | : | NA |
SML Isuzu School 3 S7
Price | : | ₹ 98,000 onwards |
Engine Type | : | 3455CC |
Displacement | : | NA |
* SML Isuzu may not sell all the Bus models listed here in all showrooms. SML Isuzu School 3 Bus pictures are for representation purpose only. To book and know the price details of SML Isuzu School 3 Bus just click the buy now button.