When rumours are floating over the net that the launch of nano diesel is imminent, our internal sources have confirmed that nano diesel would not hit the market atleast till diwali 2012. Ever since the Nano hit the market, speculation is rife that the Tata would launch a nano diesel.Spurt in sales of diesel cars and Tata’s love to diesel added fuel to the expectations. Major magazines and newspapers supported the claim. But Tata Motors seems to have other strategy in place. Tata Motors wants to stablise the sales of petrol nano and new 2012 nano is major step in that direction. Tata Motors have also started expanding its sales outlets for Nano in rural areas. Tata Motors is yet to utilise the sanand plant for Nano to its full capacity. The raising sales of nano gasoline could be the perfect answer. Enjoy the Nano 2012 for now.