Bajaj currently has total of 18 bike models in India. Bajaj Bike Price starts from ₹ 63,130 . Click on the below images to see the details of each model
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* Bajaj may not sell all the bikes listed here in all showrooms. Bajaj bike pictures are for representation purpose only. To book and know the on road price of any Bajaj bike click the buy now button.

Would you ever forget the 'Hamara Bajaj' campaign on TVs and Radios, a decade ago? Being founded in 1926, under a revolutionary background, Bajaj has always been aspiring to both revolutionize and evolutionize the Indian two-wheeler manufacturing.
It has raised the standard of biking in India to a new level – being the renaissance of the Indian Two-wheeler industry. Bajaj emulates both Japanese and Western stylized bikes and presents them to the Indian customers through strategic partnerships. Bajaj has a strong grip in the markets of several countries world over!
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