Mahindra has launched a CNG variant of logan. The eco friendly, CNG kit of the Logan is available on the 1.4 GLE/GLX versions and is currently available in Mumbai and Delhi. The Logan CNG gives a consistent mileage of 15-20 kms per kg, thus costing the customer only Rs. 1.62-2.26 per km, as against Rs. …
Tag Archives: logan
Scoops: Mahindra’s futuristic plans uncovered!
What has Mahindra got for us in the upcoming months? Catch the slideshow @ Introduction | Mahindra International SUV | Mahindra Xylo 5 seater | Mahindra Xylo Pick up | Mahindra Logan Compact Sedan | Mahindra Thar
The race getting hot with Renault in India
Among the global car players in India, Renault has drafted a well-defined strategy to mean its business here. It has fueled its plants for launching 5 new models before 2013. For this purpose, the Chennai plant is getting a revived vigor to meet the ensuing increase in retail network. Renault intends to gain much even …
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CNG car sales may be hit with the hike in the price
The proposed increase for the price of CNG version cars may see a fall of sale by nearly 20% it is estimated. The move will force ahead the autorickshaws and bus. However, the demand for CNG may prosper in the coming years, the observers foresee. The reason cited for the increase in the price was …
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Renault to invest in car engine facility in India
Not brooding over the financial instability, Renault is on the verge of setting up an engine facility in India. The proposed facility may come off near the company’s complex situated in Oragadam in Chennai. The move is to make free flow of engines and transmissions for the low profile Logan sedan which is to be …
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Mahindra announces massic price cut on logan
Mahindra logan price cut After taking over logan from Renault, Mahindra today announced drastic price cut on logan. The price of the logan is cut by 24,000 to 80,000 rupees depending on the variants. The price of the logan variant comes down Rs 6.4 lakh to Rs 5.5 lakh. The new Logan prices effective from …
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The Honeymoon between M&M and Renault is over, but flirtation goes on
The Indian truck company Mahindra&Mahindra has departed its journey with Renault paving way for whole amalgamation. The departing deal will make M&M to buy the share of 49% owned by Renault. The deal will in no way be a constraint for M&M to avail the platform of Logan from Renault. The President of M&M for …
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Twin faces of a coin
The failure cannot resist the push along the path and the revival is not a matter of serious concern. This is what exactly happened when the CEO and Chairman of Renault conceded the deal with Daimler. The global market is flooded with the ebb and low of the marketing from the giant killers like Toyota …
Logan to undergo pro-indigenous
A final word about the reconciliation between Renault and M&M is on the cards. But there is a speculation that the revamping process will involve much indigenous nature for Logan. Despite in the market for the past 5 years, the vehicle is not able attract many customers who felt disappointed with the offering. The consequence …
Renault-M&M pact over Logan cemented
The long standing tussle between Renault and Mahindra&Mahindra over the structuring of Logan has come to a cementing stage. The French company is agreed upon the restructuring, as desired and insisted by M&M, to reduce the size of the car and certain other modifications. The need is for availing the benefits of excise duty and …